Kappa Beta Delta is the international honor society for associate degree business schools accredited by ACBSP, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs. ACBSP is present at more than1,000 campuses across the globe including over 160 associate degrees institutions. Kappa Beta Delta is one of the benefits ACBSP accredited program can offer their students. Only institutions with ACBSP accredited business programs are eligible to establish a Kappa Beta Delta Chapter. Check here to find out if your campus is eligible.
The purpose of Kappa Beta Delta is to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among students of business pursuing associate degrees. To encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.
Eligibility - The Most Exclusive Honor Society for 2-Year Business Programs
There are over 1,400 community and junior colleges in the United States (public and private) and many more around the world. Only about 160 of these institutions have business programs that have been granted ACBSP accreditation, so just about 11% of them. These 160 ACBSP accredited programs are eligible to establish a Kappa Beta Delta Chapter. Students in institutions with established chapters are eligible for lifetime membership based upon the following criteria:
They must rank in the upper 20% of students pursuing business degrees at the time of invitation to membership
They must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours of credit, of which a minimum of six are in business subjects toward the degree program
They must have a minimum grade point of average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or the minimum GPA for Honors considerations at your institution, whichever is higher)
Transfer students who meet the qualifications for membership may be inducted after they have completed a minimum of one term of work within the department, division, or school of business. Provided the student’s overall record is of Kappa Beta Delta caliber, he/she will become a member.
A Kappa Beta Delta chapter is one of the rewards of ACBSP accreditation and provides a means by which an institution may give lifetime national recognition to its outstanding graduates.
Meaning of the Greek Letters
The Greek letters, Kappa, Beta, and Delta stand for Kratisteuo, Bebaous, and Dokimos.
KAPPA is the initial letter of the word Kratiseuo, which means to excel.
BETA is the initial letter of the word Bebaous, which means trustworthy.
DELTA is the initial letter of the word Dokimos, which means genuine and esteemed.
Implementing the characteristics of excellence, trustworthiness and genuineness is expected throughout your lives of the inducted members.
Emblem and Colors
The colors of our honor society are blue and gold. Blue signifies aristocracy and to the observer evokes radiant energy. Gold implies riches, values, and strength.
Our emblem is a diamond shape, which indicates the highest of quality. Members wear our colors and our key with pride.
Kappa Beta Delta member institutions are accredited through the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. ACBSP was established in 1988 as an accrediting body for business programs. An Associate Degree Commission established standards in 1991 for accrediting programs at two-year institutions. Since its founding in June 1997, Kappa Beta Delta has been affiliated with ACBSP. Kappa Beta Delta membership is available exclusively to business students enrolled at schools accredited by ACBSP.
Institutions accredited by ACBSP are recognized throughout the business community as leaders in higher education. Today, invitation to Kappa Beta Delta gives students and alumni lifetime recognition for outstanding academic achievement.
The creation of Kappa Beta Delta follows a 200-year tradition of honoring scholastic achievement in higher education, beginning with the establishment of Phi Beta Kappa in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1776.